Okay, I waited my turn patiently in the line up at our local library to get my little paws on this amazing new book and boy was it worth it. Isa is also the author of Vegan with a Vengeance, Veganomicon and Cupcakes Take Over the World which are all amazing cookbooks.
I thumbed through this book and have decided to buy it once I return this one to the library. Tonight I made her Chesapeake Tempeh Cakes and I absolutely loved them. I improvised a little on the sauce since I did not have the ingredients she requested for it but it turned out amazing. This was my first stab with panko as well and I love it. I served some fresh local corn and squash on the side with a Sunrise Mix of lemon orzo, sweet potato orzo, mustard seeds and red rice on the side. It was yummers!