Monday, August 24, 2009

Tofu and Green Beans

What to do....what to do. I am really feeling less and less creative about making meals lately. I am not sure why with the abundance of summer around us. I hummed and hawed over what to make for dinner tonight and came up with this dish. It was actually quite delicious and not too spicy. I pressed some extra firm tofu for about an hour then fried it in a little bit of olive oil until brown on all sides. I then sauteed an onion and garlic, added some curry spices, veggie stock and soy milk. On the side I steamed some green and yellow beans. Once the mixture came to a boil I added the tofu back in with the green beans. Mixed it all up and served it over brown rice. I crumbled some pistachios over mine for a treat.
Now what am I going to make tomorrow...

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