Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tofu Stir Fry with Soba Noodles

Tonight's diner was not only inexpensive, tasted great but was very quick as well. Superstore now sells marinated teriyaki tofu so I bought a bag. They were on sale for $2.00 plus they were 50% off since they expired in a few days so I bought a few to freeze. $1.00 for a bag of marinated tofu was a steal of a deal! I also found some leftover veggie shrimps in the freezer and cut those up. The veggies were in a pre-cut bag for $2.00 and the soba noodles were $1.67 making this a pretty decent meal for $4.67 for four servings! The only thing about the soba noodles is I had to rinse them under cold water for a long time to get them not to stick together.

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