Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tempeh, Basil and Tomato Sandwich

The weather has warmed up considerably and that makes me not want the oven on so I need to find alternatives to make for supper. I defrosted some tempeh, boiled it and added some of the new Bakon Yeast that I purchased. Then I lightly fried it in some shallot/garlic canola oil. I sliced up some local, beautiful ripe tomatoes, red onion, local basil and pickles and served it all on whole clove garlic bread. The basil added a nice bite to this sandwich which was perfect for a nice warm evening.


Serena said...

Ive never boiled tempeh before? am I supposed to? does it taste different?

KittyPaws said...

Hi Serena! Yes in most cases you should always boil the tempeh first otherwise it tends to have a bitter taste to it. This also makes it more absorbant to suck up all of its marinade!